Rancho Dress Code

NEW 24-25 Rancho Dress Code


The Rancho Administration believes that:

Our dress code will:

Students and parents/guardians shall be informed about the dress code prior to and at the beginning of the school year. The dress code will be clearly communicated in the student agenda and on our website as well as through other media and means.

Minimum Attire Standards

Student attire must permit the student to participate in learning without posing a risk to the health or safety of any student or staff

Students and parents/guardians shall be informed about dress standards prior to and at the beginning of the school year. A student who violates these standards shall be subject to appropriate and consistently enforced disciplinary action.

School-directed changes to a student’s attire should be the least restrictive and disruptive to the student’s school day. Administration and enforcement of the dress code shall be gender-neutral and consistent.

Gang-Related Apparel

Gang-related apparel is that which could reasonably be determined to threaten the health and safety of the school definitions of gang-related apparel shall be reviewed and updated whenever related information is received. As necessary, the school shall collaborate with local law enforcement to update definitions of gang-related apparel.

Dress Code Consequences:

Any teacher who sees a student wearing clothing that violates the dress code, has offensive images or language, including profanity, hate speech, pornography, or depicting or advocating violence, or the use of alcohol or drugs should send that student to the office, and the student will need to change clothing (school loaned items) or call home to have a parent bring appropriate items.

Students not following dress code expectations will be referred to an administrator.  An administrator will meet with the student who violated dress code as soon as possible.   

1st Offense – The student will receive a warning and an administrator will go over the dress code with the student.  

2nd Offense –The student will receive a 15 minute afterschool detention. 

3rd Offense and beyond - The student will receive a 30 minute afterschool detention.  Students will also be placed on Social Probation for 3 weeks per offense.

Dress Code Contract:

Students who continue to dress in violation of dress code will have a parent conference with the admin, and they will be placed on a dress code contract.  

College Wednesdays

Every Wednesday, Rancho encourages all students to wear either a college t-shirt or sweatshirt. 

Team Color Fridays

Every Friday, Rancho encourages all students to wear their team t-shirt/color or sweatshirt.