School Site Council


All Rancho parents are encourage to attend our School Site Council meetings. We will review our annual school plan with accompanying budgetary information throughout the year.    

Rancho SSC Chairperson:  TBD

Rancho SSC Vice Chairperson:  TBD

Rancho SSC Secretary:  TBD

School Site Council Overview

Rancho School Site Council Bylaws

What is the School Site Council (SSC)?

The basic principle behind the SSC is that those individuals who are most affected by the operation of their school should have a major role in the decisions regarding how their school functions. It is the role of the SSC to advise the principal and staff on the planning, implementation, and evaluation of the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA), and to approve the destination of funds from the District to support the goals of the school plan. The SSC reviews the progress of the school in achieving the goals of the plan.

 What's in the School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA)?

All schools are required to have a School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA), which is designed, implemented, and monitored by the SSC to ensure that the funds are being spent effectively to support school's improvement efforts to attain the highest possible levels of teaching and learning at the school. The Plan goals and supporting action items that will lead to high levels of learning for all students with a particular focus on helping those who are historically underrepresented.

 Can I see the plan?

A full copy of the School Plan for Student Achievement is available on our website.

 How much money does the SSC have to spend?

The amount varies from year to year with CBEDS (California Basic Educational Data System) enrollment. The legislature and governor can add to or cut some of the funding in any year. The Local Control Funding Formula and LCAP determine where and how the funds will be spent and the number of ‘supplemental students’ (Low Income; Foster Youth; English Learners) determines, in part, the school budget amount.

 2024 School Site Council Meeting Minutes